NHS 111 service

NHS 111 is a new service that has been introduced to make it easier for you to access local NHS healthcare services in England. You can call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergency. NHS 111 is a fast and easy way to get the right help, whatever the time. For more information visit www.nhs.uk/111.

NHS app

The NHS App provides a simple and secure way for patients to book GP appointments, order repeat prescriptions and access a range of other healthcare services.

Who is it suitable for?

The NHS App is for people aged 13 and over who are registered with a connected GP surgery. You can use some of the app's features without your GP surgery being connected.

How does it work?

With the NHS App you can:

  • check your symptoms – find reliable NHS information on hundreds of conditions and treatments, and get immediate advice
  • book appointments – search for, book and cancel appointments at your GP surgery
  • order repeat prescriptions – see your available medications and request a new repeat prescription
  • view your medical record – get secure access to your GP medical record
  • register to be an organ donor – easily manage your preferences on the NHS Organ Donor Register
  • choose how the NHS uses your data – register your decision on whether it can be used for research and planning

Pharmacy First

If you are registered with a GP in Tower Hamlets you will be able to take part in Pharmacy First, a new scheme that allows faster access to advice and treatment for short-term minor conditions.

The conditions covered by the scheme include headaches, colds, sore throats, cough, fever, hay fever, constipation, diarrhoea, mouth ulcers, teething, indigestion, athletes foot, head lice, thrush, bites and stings, certain skin conditions, back pain, sprains and strains and eye conditions.

To register for the scheme you need to visit your GP practice and get a Pharmacy First registration voucher, which you take to a pharmacy in Tower Hamlets.

To use the scheme all you have to do is return to the same pharmacy.

Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)

This is another way of requesting your prescriptions which would be sent to your chosen pharmacy. You could go to the pharmacy directly and collect your prescription after making sure with your pharmacist that your prescription is ready for collection. Please give at least 24 hours notice to make sure your prescription is ready for collection.

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Repeat Dispensing

If you, or someone you care for, use the same medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from repeat dispensing from the pharmacist. This means you can collect your repeat medicines directly from the pharmacy without having to visit the surgery or make an appointment to see the doctor or practice nurse every time you need more medicine.

If you would like to be considered for repeat dispensing the first step is to talk to your doctor and ask them if you can use repeat dispensing.

The Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS)

The Minor Eye Conditions Service (MECS) in Tower Hamlets has been in place since the end of January .Patients can access MECS through self-referral, GP referral or re-direction from another service. The inclusion and exclusion criteria for MECS is attached for your convenience.

MECS is not a walk in service, and patients are advised to call the MECS Opticians to make an appointment. Patients will be seen within 48 hours for routine cases and within 24 hours for urgent cases.

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NHS Practical Guide for CaringNHS Practical Guide for Caringwho takes unpaid responsibility for the physical and/or mental well-being of someone who cannot perform the task of daily living unaided, because of age, disability, or mental distress. A Carer is anyone of any age who cares, unpaid for a friend or family member who due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or addiction cannot cope without their support.

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